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2 September 2014

Jammu and Kashmir Assembly passed amendment of Reservation Act 2004

Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly on 30 August 2014 amended Reservation Act 2004. The amendment bill provides five percent reservation in jobs to Pahari-speaking people of the state.
The Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill 2014 was passed in the J & K Legislative Assembly house with a voice vote. The objective of the Bill is to provide reservation to the Pahari-speaking people of the Jammu and Kashmir state.
The Pahari-speaking people are economically, socially, and educationally backward and are not able to compete with the more advanced sections of the society in the J & K state.  The Bill was proposed by the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah about the reservation on 15 August 2014 providing job opportunities to the Pahari-speaking people of the J & K state.

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